Old Passions


When was the last time you did something that you used to LOVE?   When you think of that activity, do you grin and get the warm fuzzies on the inside?  

Jessica and I, plus a couple of other girlfriends, do a monthly activity night, it started out as game night but then we started hearing about all the super fun, non-drinking things that Austin has to offer and expanded our repertoire. 

I heard that there is a roller-skating rink way down Manchaca Rd and had to plan our next adventure there (Wednesday and Sunday evenings are adult night)!  Everyone was excited, but I was REALLY excited.  See, I used to roller skate ALL THE TIME when I was little.  In the driveway, in the house, to friends houses, on the weekends at the roller skating rink.  It was the best.  

Then, well, I got too cool for that. 

Last night, I felt right at home in my rented brown and orange skates.  It was pure joy.  I swooped around the rink jamming to the music with no thoughts, just the feeling of the air on my skin and my legs weaving about (and maybe a few balance corrections, I mean it's been a few years since I've skated).  

I can honestly say last night I went to bed with a grin on my face.  

What did you used to do that would bring back a smile on your face when you go to bed? Go do it and don't give a crap about your age, your status as xyz in xyz community, or sticking by the side of your companions the whole time. Be with you in your moment of joy.  



We all need validation sometimes


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