We all need validation sometimes

There are many roller coaster of feelings that happen regularly here at the office.  There are the twists and turns that involve keeping a new business afloat in a competitive market of health and wellness, plus all the peaks and valleys we go through with our clients on their path to health. We feel the emotions with them and when someone is in valley crying, we want to cry right with them while also being their cheerleader. 

On Friday we were ALL the emotions from ALL aspects of our business, but we ended the day with something we all need sometimes: validation.  

Validation that following our passion is making a difference in people's lives.  Validation that even our smallest nuggets of wisdom given to a room of people in a short talk gave people that little boost they needed to make one more step towards being their best self. 

Validation from time to time doesn't make you needy or weak, its just a part of the human experience.

We received this card from a group of social workers at the Texas Health and Human Services after our speaking event with them last month.  Reading all the individual notes touched our hearts and we left the office that day with a boost in our steps.


Happy weekend,

Beth & Jessica


An Ode to Food


Old Passions