Seven Clues You're Suffering from Diet Burnout

Diet burnout is real and it’s not your fault. Diet culture has been selling a million different promises to help you lose weight and finally be your happiest best self. (LIES!) We don’t blame you though. They use sexy marketing tactics and it always seems like this time somehow will be different. Believe it or not we’ve even fallen for it a time or two. Here’s some clues that you’re suffering from diet burnout.

You might be suffering from diet burnout if YOU…

  1. …constantly find yourself obsessing over food choices and calories, feeling overwhelmed by the thought of planning meals.

  2. ...experience intense cravings for foods you “shouldn’t be eating on your diet”, leading to frequent binge eating episodes.

  3. ...feel a lack of motivation to exercise or engage in any physical activities, even those you used to enjoy.

  4. ...experience mood swings, irritability, or anxiety related to your diet and body image, affecting your overall well-being.

  5. ...find yourself unable to enjoy social gatherings or events involving food, leading to isolation and withdrawal from social interactions.

  6. ...constantly cycle between extreme dieting and overeating, feeling trapped in a pattern of restrict-binge-guilt.

  7. ...notice a significant decline in your energy levels, struggling to focus and perform daily tasks due to nutritional deficiencies and inadequate fuel for your body.

Do these sound familiar?

If so, you can heal from diet burnout by learning to “eat normal.” That means reducing self-judgement, building sustainable habits, and managing your emotional relationship with your food and body.

We can help!

If you’re interested in working with us 1:1 we still have spots available. You can get started by booking your discovery session here.


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