One Last Resolution

Let's grow old and do this together

Let's grow old and do this together

Here we are in yet another New Year with many intentions for new beginnings.  Some will resolve and some will intend to resolve, and some just say, "ah f*$k it."  Whatever is your current stance, I have a little tough-love message about why maybe this year is the last year to make that lifestyle resolutions.  

Who do you choose to give your power to? Eating junk food and not moving your body essentially gives everyone but YOU the power to be amazing. Spending your hard earned money on fast-food and low-quality packaged foods gives your power to a billion dollar food industry designed to profit. Most restaurants are not designed for health. They are designed to profit. They use cheap fats, salts, and sugars to feed their bottom line. Saying that you're too busy to take care of yourself gives your power away to someone else - basically saying that they are more important than you are. Who is more important to you? (Hint: Nobody)

No, we don't all have to look like yogi's, cross-fitters, or live on super specialized diets and never eat take-out again. Let's not get too extreme, but seriously let's take pride in what we feed our bodies.  Where is your self-respect? Regardless how you found yourself here - the stuff that grows from the earth is what we should be eating, not all the processed this or that in package form. You're right, it's not convenient to cook all the time, it is effort, but procuring and preparing our food is, and has always been, a survival skill.  Cooking more of your meals at home is literally life saving. 

Yes, the path of convenience is well, pretty freaking convenient. You can choose the path of convenience and yes, you may grow old but how good will you feel? Will you be able to do the things you love to do? Let's be quality old farts! Let's turn off all of these genes that promote cancers, Alzheimer's, auto-immune conditions with REAL food, that came from the earth. Let's be boppin' around with smiles on our faces. Let us all live to be like the Golden Girls. Sure, they ate a lot of cheesecake, and I'm not saying we can't do that. But let's have FUN and be mobile and full of energy for decades to come. 

We all have life demands, bills to pay, kids or pets that require our time and energy. And it is for them, that I urge you to please stop giving away your power and let's get some of our collective vitality back. Our personal and global communities need us but we can't give our efforts to others if we aren't giving it to ourselves.  Before you resolve to train for that marathon, consider training for your life, even if that training is starting with one at-home meal a week and a 15 minute walk every day - you're at least starting somewhere.  

I speak from experience in a place of complacency. I'm not writing this on my high horse of svelte muscles and 100% organic diet. I know what it feels like and it doesn't feel good. No matter where you are at, you can move forward in a positive way, one step at a time. Take back your power and take back your health. 

Let's build our communities together by building ourselves! 

Tell me, what's one place you're going stop giving your power away?


Adult Like You Mean It: Meal Prep


How to Host a Dinner Party with Dietary Restrictions